As a blogger, we know that a good content is the king of a blog, but sometimes we find it difficult to come up with a topic for our blog. This doesn’t mean that you are not creative or dull, it happens to everyone especially if you are an upcoming blogger. So, in this tutorial am going to show how to come up with a good topic idea for your blog.
Before going further in this tutorial note that blogging isn’t just setting up a blog, buying domain names and hosting it beyond that. For you to be successful in blogging, you have to be publishing articles on regular bases.
Writing a blog post for your blog is an unending task you need to take if you want to become a successful blog. Without wasting much time, I will be giving you 7 ways on how to come up with a topic for your blog.
How to come up with a good topic idea for your blog.
Answer your audience questions on the comment section
An easy way to get an idea for a blog post to always check the comment section for your site, never you ignore this step because you could come up with a topic idea for your blog. At times some readers would ask for a particular problem to solve for him or her. They might even ask for a specific information or product, you can take that as an advantage to write about a particular product or information depending on your niche.
Check out for your competitors
It’s not a big deal to check out what your competitors are writing about, it every important known. By following and keep an eye on your competitors gives you that inspiration to come up with a topic idea for your blog. Am not encouraging you to do what they do or even copying their content because Google hates to see duplicated content on the web. You can take their ideas or topic to generate a new topic for your blog. You can follow up your competitors through their social media or subscribing to their blog or website.
Google Alerts
What is Google alert? According to Wikipedia Google alert service sends emails to the user when it finds new results such as web pages, newspaper articles, blogs, or scientific research that match the user’s search terms. Which means that once you have signed up for Google Alerts you will be first to be notified on a daily basis when you sign up for a particular webpage or product.
Make a team
Another way to come up with a topic idea is to have a team who you can work with. Making a team these days is not an easy task especially if you don’t have much cash on you or you are just starting your business newly. If you don’t have much to set up a team for your brand, you can consider inviting some your friends who you know that they are trusted and also have an idea of what your website or blog is all about.
Ask questions or tips from your audience
Interacting with your audience is very important because they make you know what is there need and how you can help them solve their problem. Ask them which content or product are they interested in, from there you get to know about the particular content or product you need to write about.
Use forums like Nairaland, or Quora
Using a forum like Nairaland or Quora, because on this platform you find many people who need an answer to their problem to be solved or searching for an information to be answered. Which gives an inspiration a topic for your blog and also give you an idea you could come up with.
Search for a keyword.
We have different online tools on the internet we can use to search for a keyword such as wordstream, wordtracker, kwfinder and Keyword tool.lo, Keywordtool.lo is one of my best online keyword tools. Once you log on to the site, type in your preferred keyword or niche in the search box to get the list of keyword that will inspire you to write a blog post for your blog.