
Do you that you can buy any Smartphone of your choice and pay later, with the EasyBuy mobile platform.  EasyBuy is a mobile financing platform that allows you to pick any phone of your choice with a little down payment of about 30% which you will then pay as your initial payment while the rest payment will be on instalments bases for a period of 3 to 6 months depending on your choice.easybuy

On this page, we are going to be looking at how you can buy a phone of your choice on credit and pay for a period of 3 months or 6 months depending on how it will be convenient for you. Still, on this page, you will see all the places across the country where you can get the opportunity to buy a smartphone on credit.

How EasyBuy Mobile Financing Platform Works

EasyBuy mobile financing platform gives loans for customers who are intending to buy a mobile phone of their choice and don’t have the cash at hand to purchase that dream phone. EasyBuy gives you that opportunity. Now get that dream phone, all you have to do is to walk into any mobile shops that operate on EasyBuy platform. There will be an agent who will help with the registration process.

Note that a minimum of 30% down payment is required which has two type loan systems:

  • 3 months with 9% interest rate
  • 6 months with a 6% interest rate

EasyBuy Eligibility Requirements

To be eligible for EasyBuy financing system here are the following requirements you have to provide.

  • A Valid ID card (international passport, National ID card, Voters Card, Drivers license)
  • Electricity Bill
  • BVN
  • ATM card
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These are all the documents you need to provide for you to be eligible for this program. Before you get excited, know that you need to be a regular income earner to be fully accepted into the EasyBuy financing program.

Click here to see the store that is close to you.


For more info, you can visit any of their contact below


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