Sometimes we make mistakes while using the Google mail. The moment when you discover that you have select reply all and you hit the send button you get worried, it very disturbing at times. But thanks to Google they have provided you with a feature called the UNDO SEND, which recalls a mistaken message that has been sent.

How to Undo a sent email on Gmail

The UNDO feature was introduced by Google a few years ago, which later became the Gmail opt-in feature in 2015. Late last year, some of us should know that Google upgraded the Gmail service last year, so with the upgrade by google the UNDO Send is turn on by default and giving you the option to adjust how long you have to unsend an Email.

Undo Settings on a desktop computer

  • Log in to you Gmail account


  • Click on the Gear icon at the top right corner and then select SETTINGS
  • Scroll down to UNDO SEND
  • Still, on the UNDO SEND section, you have the options of time you could like the message to appear ranging from 5, 10, 20, and 30 seconds.
  • After you have selected the time frame of your choice scroll to the bottom and;
  • Click Save changesgmail

When you are done with these steps when next you send an Email, an UNDO option button will appear at the left corner and when you click on it, the message which you have mistakenly send or that needs corrections will be taken to draft for you to make your corrections or to discard it.

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For Android Smartphones

You don’t have to worry once you have set up the feature on your desktop computer, the undo Send settings will automatically apply to your Gmail mobile app be it on android or IOS. But if you don’t have access to a desktop or laptop here is how you can enable the undo send on your Gmail mobile app

  • Open the Gmail App on your phone
  • At the top right corner, your phone tap on the three dotted horizontal line
  • Next click on Settings>>>>>General settings
  • And then tap on Confirm before sending
  • That all you now go back. just like the desktop you will an Undo link that will appear at the bottom of your screen. The undo link will appear there for the amount of time you have selected and as soon as you click on the link your message will return to the draft box.

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