PayPal account

Hello, and welcome to, today on this page am going to show you the easy step on how to get a PayPal account in Nigeria. So, before I show you the steps in creating a PayPal account, first what is a PayPal account and what is it used for? For the benefit of those that don’t know what a PayPal account is and what is used for.

A PayPal is an online platform that allows an individual or a business organization to transfer, send or to receive funds. PayPal allows you to pay for product and services online without others seeing your bank details. Below you will find others things you can do with a PayPal account.

  • You can use it to pay for goods and services online as I have earlier said
  • You can make transactions outside Nigeria easily
  • You can buy a product from Amazon,

How to open or create a PayPal account in Nigeria

Let get started now, follow the screenshot below to understand what we about to do. Here are the steps.

  • First, you have to go to the PayPal website to register.PayPal account
  • Once the page has open, on the right top corner of your screen tap on the Sign Up to register.
  • Fill in the form with your right details (Your Full Name, Email and password)PayPal account
  • Then click the Next Button
  • On the next page, fill in your Street address, City, State, Zip code and your mobile PayPal account number. Once you are done with the form click on the agreed terms and conditions
  • Tap the Agree and Create account button.

Once you tap on the Agree and Create account button, you have successfully created a PayPal account. But that is not all you have to verify your newly created account.

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How to Verify Your PayPal account

To verify a PayPal account is very simple and easy, first, you have to activate your account through a link that will be sent to your email address click on the link to activate the account. Now to verify your account you have to link your Nigeria Master card, Verve or Visa card. Here are the steps to follow

  • Log in to the email address you used in registering and look for the activation link below
  • You will be taking to a page asking you to Activate Account
  • After you have Activated your account locate and tap on get verified
  • Click on Link a CardPayPal account
  • Fill your card information and click on save.

Once you tap on save, a little amount of money ($1.95) will be deducted from your account which will later be refunded back to your bank account. The deduction is just to verify the ownership of the card, you will be given a 4-digit code in which you will use in confirmation of the card. Once you have gotten the 4-digit code login to your PayPal account, click on the confirm credit card enter the code been given to you by the bank and save.

That all you now have a PayPal account, note that if the verification process does not work for you, you have to contact your bank or use another credit card.


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