Do you know that you can use your laptop as a Wi-Fi hotspot just like how you connect your portable hotspot on your smartphone? But sharing data using hotspot on a laptop is not as easy as how we share data on our smartphone. Don’t worry about the difficulty because I will be giving a simple guide to follow on how you can share data to other device using a laptop without using any application software.

Note that this method requires that you put on the Wi-Fi of your laptop. The following steps will guide you on how you can share data using your laptop without any software.

Step by Step Guide you can use your laptop as a Wi-Fi hotspot

  1. Open notepad++ and copy these command code and paste it on your notepad you have open earlier   netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=pediatop key=pediatop  netsh wlan start hostednetworknote
  2. Then save the notepad file in this format .bat (hotspot.bat)

  3. Right click on the on the hotspot file and click on Run as administrator

  4. Wait while the process is completed
  5. Go to open network and sharing centre

  6. Now click on the internet connection you will love to share your newly created hotspot to

  7. You can configure the sharing by clicking on Properties >>> Sharing>>> Allow other network to connect >>> select   Wireless network connection 2 >>> OK
  8. Now you can search your phone or any device that can be connected to a network you will find a Wi-Fi network named pediatop.
  9. You now have a hotpots connection click on the name pediatop, and enter the password pediatop and connect.
  10. That all.

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