Do you know that you can make money writing for Opera Mini News Hub? In this post, I will show you how to make a decent amount of money monthly without you having a site of your own. You have to be consistent in writing for at least 4 hours every day or more if you want to decent monthly income monthly.
Opera News Hub is an online blogging platform where bloggers and content writers get a reward for their passion. This platform also gives you the opportunity to reach out to a wider audience, this is because your content will go live on Opera News App and Opera Mini default Brower. Also, get more social media followers and share the content all over the internet to make more potential income on Opera Mini News Hub. Here is how to make money with opera news hub
How to Earn Money from Opera Mini News Hub?
To earn a potential income from opera mini news hub is not difficult as you think, don’t allow the term content creation to scare you at all. It is very easy to come up with content ideas, just stay calm and think of a convenient topic to write on.
On the opera mini news hub, the minimum word count is 150 words, you can write as many words you want to. The trick of making more money on this platform is to write as much content as you can. For instance, if you are lucky enough to make 10,000 naira from just one article, then imagine you have about 20 similar articles. All these comes back to your effort and how much time you are willing to give out, the more effort you to put the more income you earn.
What if am not good at writing or don’t have the time to write
Well, if you think that you are not good at writing or you don’t have the time to write. Don’t worry because I have good news for you.
Have you heard about HIREWRITER? HIREWRITER is a platform where you can get well-written articles for as low as $2. Let take for instance you hire a writer to write an article for you for the price of $3 per post and you make a minimum of $10 to 12 dollars for that particular post, you will be left with $7 to 10 dollars as profit. So, you see that you are not at lost at all.
How to start making money with opera mini news hub platform
Create an Account
To get create an account, you have to logon to Opera mini-news hub. Immediately the opera news hub opens. A notification will pop asking to select your country or territory, click on the red button that says Got it.
You can either use the prompt notification asking you to continue with facebook or google.
After that, you will be required to login with your Facebook password which will then lead to the account setup page.
You have to confirm the login page by clicking on the confirm button and then proceed to the next page, like the image below.
This page simply shows all the information you need to know about the opera news hub.
- Username: This is not your personal name, but a nickname you wish to give your blog on Opera news hub.
- Category: This section is based on what content you decide to write on, although your content will not be limited to your chosen category.
- Photo: This will be your picture; the image will appear on every content you have written.
- Biography: The biography section is simply a short description of yourself.
2. Account Information
This is the final step of your registration, this section contains your personal account information and how you will be paid.
On this section, you will have to fill in your real details and enter your Opay account number as the means to get paid. Once you have filled out all your personals details, you can now confirm and then proceed to your account to begin publishing your account.
Publish Your First Content
Once your account has been set up properly and is now activated, then you can start publishing articles directly from your Opera News Hub dashboard.
- Article Title: This is where the content title will be displayed. So, try as much as possible to use a catchy title to attracts visitors to your article,
- Content: This is the section where the main content is written. The H1 and H2 header options allow you to add subheader to your content. Once you are done with your article scroll down and click the publishing blue button.
How do I get paid with the opera news hub?
Here is a break down of how you can make money with Opera News Hub
- 1 click will get you a traffic bonus of 0.036₦
- 100 clicks will get traffic of bonus 3.6₦
- 1,000 clicks will get you traffic of bonus 36₦
- 10,000 clicks = traffic bonus of 360₦
- 25,000 clicks = 2.5 x 360 = ₦ 900
Additionally, there is also offer engagement bonuses. To qualify for this offer your article should have more than 100 engagements. For 1000 engagements you can make as much as N1,800. You also get paid sharing and comment on post.
For fast content approval please avoid words like
- Shocking
- Shock
- Unbelievable
- Twitter goes wild
- Amazing
These words are considered as clickbait, it is seen as a way to lure readers to click on your articles.
That is all, this is another way to earn passive income online.
Are you aware that you may also generate money using Instagram? Click here to read more